Comprehensive development of women
and children i.e. action for promotion for
their health, education, shelter, nutrition,
economic status
To create awareness regarding genetic
diseases and to run a clinic for detection
and management of prenatal diseases.
To promote awareness for premarital
counseling for different genetic diseaseTo create awareness about the need of
health service for protection of health
of mother and child..
To create centre for different prenatal
diseases and antenatal management
complication during delivery.Working for safe motherhood (organising
ideal labour room)
To detect at-risk mother to provide proper
antenatal care to minimise obstetric
Providing neonatal care
To establish centre to provide services to
sick neonates and children.• Early detection of at –risk babies –
detection to be started from grass-root
level and in aerialist opportunity by
training the health care professional .
Early intervention can reduce the
morbidity and disability.• To work to build awareness against female
• To build awareness about the origin of
different diseases among the mother and
training of the mother for proper baby
• To organise cancer detection programme To set a child development centre for
neurodevelpmentally disable children to
provide total team support including
occupational therapy, speech therapy,
physiotherapy, behaviour therapy, special
education counsellingTo work for the promotion for the care of
baby girl in society.
To work for socially deprived children.
To work for the elimination of child labour.• 24)To encourage and train the young
person to form self-help group to work in
the field of food processing, agriculture
• 25)To combat against the problem of drug
abuse and alcoholism

Work for Adolescent Healthcare

• Adolescent Mental Issues (Stress, Anxiety,
& depression)
• Counseling of Adolescent
• Suicide Prevention
• Organise Awareness Program in School,
Coaching Center( for parents, teacher
and adolescents)
• On line community Awareness program
• In Lockdown period during Covid time • To organise camp, seminar, conference,
meeting, group discussion on community
health care
• To work for restoration of ecological
balance and against environmental
• To work for the promotion of nonconventional energy